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The Best Candidate for the Chair Henry County Chair of Henry County "VOTE YOUR INTEREST"

Our county is one of the fastest growing counties in Georgia and with growth comes a hold host of positive and negative situations that will require effective solutions based on those needs assessed. "WE CAN NOT KEEP ROBBING PETER AND NEVER PAY PAUL." However, we must be proactive in our approach to growth that doesn't rob those who pay property taxes which in many cases is forcing property owners to either sale their homes because they have been taxed out of them or they lose their homes to foreclosure....

Henry County Growth Is Moving Fast

BEST QUALIFIED CANDIDATE FOR:Reducing Property Taxes Infrastructure Homeliness

Chairwoman for the Board of County Commissioners in Henry County, Georgia

Influence, inspire and help others become their best selves, building their skills and achieving goals along the way.
A person who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service: such as. : one who enters into military service voluntarily.
Solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation.
 Henry County
Henry County
We have work to do Henry County.
"Why Vote in Henry County?"

Find Out More OurCrime and Substance Abuse VOTE NOW

More than 26% of respondents who reported using alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine in a 12-month period, also reported committing a violent crime within the same time frame.

We must be proactive in our approach to growth that doesn't rob those who pay property taxes which in many cases is forcing property owners...
As the head of the Henry County Board of County Commissioners, if elected, you the taxpayers, voters and citizens will have a voice...
" Proclaimations are fine but they dont move the county foward; they only reward an individual on an individual accomplishment.<br />
Henry County
Henry County needs to impose "A RENTER'S TAX" for non property owners because they have equal access to all the services without any of the fees.
Voting Is The Key/ We Have Work To Do!

I will have more visibility in the community by setting up committees and partnerships with all facets of people from all races and spectrum to really deal with the problems and needs in our very diversed communities.


Henry County

Henry County "Fastest Growing County In Georgia